Category: Uncategorized

  • Popular Sermons Through Time II: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Popular Sermons Through Time II: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Born the 5th child of 11 children on the 5th of October in the fall of 1704, Jonathan Edwards will grow to become one of the earliest and finest American philosophical theologians of all time. His sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God preached on July 8, 1741, during the Great Awakening of…

  • Popular Sermons Through Time Part I: The Sermon on the Mount

    Popular Sermons Through Time Part I: The Sermon on the Mount

    From the inception of Christianity, reading and listening to the word of God has been part of the most important disciplines for believers to grow. While the tradition of learning religious teachings from a revered teacher is not uncommon throughout ancient cultures, there is a marked distinction in the reaction of the listeners who heard…

  • Sermons and Mental Health: Lessons from Jesus’ Sermon to His Disciples

    Sermons and Mental Health: Lessons from Jesus’ Sermon to His Disciples

    We live in a time where everything and everyone is in constant motion. This fast-paced lifestyle sponsored by the creators of the rat race (which is essentially ourselves) has led us to neglect the peace of our souls. Mounting societal pressures powered by social media, and the ever-increasing demands of work and personal relationships have…

  • Different Types of Sermon and their Purpose

    Different Types of Sermon and their Purpose

    Sermons are a vital aspect of the Christian life meeting a wide range of spiritual, emotional and even communal needs of the listeners. However, not all sermons are the same or are created equal. There are different types of sermons and they can vary in style, structure, and purpose depending on the context in which…

  • 5 Reasons Why Sermons Are Essential for Spiritual Growth

    5 Reasons Why Sermons Are Essential for Spiritual Growth

    In the Apostle Paul’s first epistle to the Corinthians, one thing that he highlights over and over again is how only the preaching of God’s word can lead to lasting change. The signs the Jews were looking for couldn’t bring any change. Also, the wisdom sought after by the Greeks couldn’t bring change either. The…

  • From Pulpit to Protest: How Sermons Inspired Social Change in Abolition and Civil Rights Movements

    From Pulpit to Protest: How Sermons Inspired Social Change in Abolition and Civil Rights Movements

    The transatlantic slave trade represents one of the cruellest periods of human history. From the 16th to the 19th century, millions of Africans were forcibly taken from their homes, shipped across the ocean, and sold into slavery in the Americas. The trade was fueled by European demand for cheap labour and the capture and sale…

  • Transformative Power of Sermons: Lessons from Christian History

    Transformative Power of Sermons: Lessons from Christian History

    The day of Pentecost started the spread of Christianity from a meagre 120 to 3,000 in a day. With a sermon hinged on scriptures from Joel 2, Psalm 16 and 110, the Apostle Peter preached to the crowds gathered because of the sound they heard. “What must we do to be saved?” was the question…