Tag: Education

  • Introduction to Textual Sermons

    Introduction to Textual Sermons

    Textual sermons offer a refreshing counterpoint to the prevalent superficiality that is found in the present age of soundbites. Textual preaching is a method of sermon preparation that centres on a specific biblical passage as its primary focus. It is often confused with expository preaching or considered a subset of expository preaching in certain circles.…

  • Evolving Platforms: Blogs, Livestreams and Podcasts

    Evolving Platforms: Blogs, Livestreams and Podcasts

    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a journey through time and have seen how sermons have been disseminated over the centuries and how it has spurred the growth of Christianity. From the early days of writing on parchments as seen by the Apostles, to the outpouring of ideas during the reformation through printed…

  • Transformative Power of Sermons: Lessons from Christian History

    Transformative Power of Sermons: Lessons from Christian History

    The day of Pentecost started the spread of Christianity from a meagre 120 to 3,000 in a day. With a sermon hinged on scriptures from Joel 2, Psalm 16 and 110, the Apostle Peter preached to the crowds gathered because of the sound they heard. “What must we do to be saved?” was the question…