Author: Minkir Dawaki

  • The Man Behind the Pulpit: An Exploration of John Wesley’s Life and Legacy

    The Man Behind the Pulpit: An Exploration of John Wesley’s Life and Legacy

    “I look upon all the world as my parish; thus far I mean, that, in whatever part of it I am, [it is my] duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation. This is the work which I know God has called me to; and sure I am that his blessing…

  • The Cornerstone of Christ-Centered Preaching: Christ’s Glory

    The Cornerstone of Christ-Centered Preaching: Christ’s Glory

    Last week on The Pulpit we explored what one should be looking for in a sermon. A sermon should be Christ-centered and this comes about by the preacher holding on to some basic preaching guidelines. Last week we listed biblical integrity, Christ-centeredness, gospel emphasis, relevance to everyday life, encouragement for spiritual growth, and responsiveness to…

  • What Should You Be Looking for in a Sermon? A Guide to Christ-Centered Preaching

    What Should You Be Looking for in a Sermon? A Guide to Christ-Centered Preaching

    “The great design and intention of the office of a Christian preacher is to restore the throne and dominion of God in the souls of men.” – Cotton Mather Last week on The Pulpit we explored how preaching and listening to the Word preached is an essential means of Grace for the believer. After explaining…

  • Preaching and Listening to the Word: A Means of Grace

    Preaching and Listening to the Word: A Means of Grace

    The means of grace are God’s appointed instruments by which the Holy Spirit enables believers to receive Christ and the benefits of redemption. God in His sovereignty could have as well chosen to immediately reveal Christ to His people but instead, He has put in place certain instruments by which to enable people to come…

  • Listening to Sermons Effectively: Lessons from the Parable of the Sower

    Listening to Sermons Effectively: Lessons from the Parable of the Sower

    In the book of Luke chapter 8, Jesus shared one of His most well-known parables, the parable of the sower. In this story, Jesus highlights people’s various responses when they listen to the Word of God. After His disciple asked for the meaning of the parable and after He explained what it meant, He instructed…

  • The Prince of Preachers

    The Prince of Preachers

    On January 31, 1982, Charles Haddon Spurgeon passed away plunging the city of London, England into mourning. As his body laid in repose in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, over the course of three days more than 60,000 people trooped in to pay their final respects. Eleven days after his death, the streets of London were lined…

  • Popular Sermons Through Time II: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Popular Sermons Through Time II: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    Born the 5th child of 11 children on the 5th of October in the fall of 1704, Jonathan Edwards will grow to become one of the earliest and finest American philosophical theologians of all time. His sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God preached on July 8, 1741, during the Great Awakening of…

  • Popular Sermons Through Time Part I: The Sermon on the Mount

    Popular Sermons Through Time Part I: The Sermon on the Mount

    From the inception of Christianity, reading and listening to the word of God has been part of the most important disciplines for believers to grow. While the tradition of learning religious teachings from a revered teacher is not uncommon throughout ancient cultures, there is a marked distinction in the reaction of the listeners who heard…

  • Sermons and Mental Health: Lessons from Jesus’ Sermon to His Disciples

    Sermons and Mental Health: Lessons from Jesus’ Sermon to His Disciples

    We live in a time where everything and everyone is in constant motion. This fast-paced lifestyle sponsored by the creators of the rat race (which is essentially ourselves) has led us to neglect the peace of our souls. Mounting societal pressures powered by social media, and the ever-increasing demands of work and personal relationships have…

  • Different Types of Sermon and their Purpose

    Different Types of Sermon and their Purpose

    Sermons are a vital aspect of the Christian life meeting a wide range of spiritual, emotional and even communal needs of the listeners. However, not all sermons are the same or are created equal. There are different types of sermons and they can vary in style, structure, and purpose depending on the context in which…