Category: Uncategorized

  • Harold John Ockenga: A Visionary Leader

    Harold John Ockenga: A Visionary Leader

    “I never met a man among evangelicals who could compare to the mighty intellect and spiritual development of Harold John Ockenga” – Billy Graham Emerging from the heart of Chicago in the year 1905 was a man who would dramatically shape the landscape of 20th-century evangelicalism – Harold John Ockenga. For over three decades, Ockenga…

  • Evolving Platforms: Blogs, Livestreams and Podcasts

    Evolving Platforms: Blogs, Livestreams and Podcasts

    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve taken a journey through time and have seen how sermons have been disseminated over the centuries and how it has spurred the growth of Christianity. From the early days of writing on parchments as seen by the Apostles, to the outpouring of ideas during the reformation through printed…

  • Evolving Platforms: Radio & Television

    Evolving Platforms: Radio & Television

    In the ever-evolving tapestry of human communication, technology has consistently played a profound role in shaping the dissemination of ideas and messages. From the humble quill and parchment to the revolutionary printing press, we’ve witnessed the transformative power of innovation in connecting people with the Christian faith. Continuing our journey through the corridors of time,…

  • Evolving Platforms: The Printing Press

    Evolving Platforms: The Printing Press

    Throughout human history, the flow of information has been ever-changing. In the early church in the first century, the Apostles used hand-written letters that were read corporately in the church to deliver messages even when they were in distant lands. Distributed via voyages over stormy seas and journeying through treacherous terrains, those scratched parchments stitched…

  • Evolving Platforms: From Quill and Parchment to Blogs, Podcasts and Livestreams

    Evolving Platforms: From Quill and Parchment to Blogs, Podcasts and Livestreams

    Sermons have always been primarily delivered orally through the generations. However, the medium through which we receive these vital messages has been constantly adapting and evolving over the years. The church and the traditional pulpit still remain the primary platform through which these messages are distributed but over time technology has provided more options by…

  • The Role of Sermons in Raising Awareness and Improving Biblical Literacy

    The Role of Sermons in Raising Awareness and Improving Biblical Literacy

    The Bible was written over a period of 1500 years in multiple countries and languages. The Bible contains a repository of historical, moral, and religious codes by different authors who lived in vastly different social environments. All these authors across the years are all pointing back to one person, Jesus Christ and His work of…

  • The Man Behind the Pulpit: An Exploration of John Wesley’s Life and Legacy

    The Man Behind the Pulpit: An Exploration of John Wesley’s Life and Legacy

    “I look upon all the world as my parish; thus far I mean, that, in whatever part of it I am, [it is my] duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation. This is the work which I know God has called me to; and sure I am that his blessing…

  • The Cornerstone of Christ-Centered Preaching: Christ’s Glory

    The Cornerstone of Christ-Centered Preaching: Christ’s Glory

    Last week on The Pulpit we explored what one should be looking for in a sermon. A sermon should be Christ-centered and this comes about by the preacher holding on to some basic preaching guidelines. Last week we listed biblical integrity, Christ-centeredness, gospel emphasis, relevance to everyday life, encouragement for spiritual growth, and responsiveness to…

  • What Should You Be Looking for in a Sermon? A Guide to Christ-Centered Preaching

    What Should You Be Looking for in a Sermon? A Guide to Christ-Centered Preaching

    “The great design and intention of the office of a Christian preacher is to restore the throne and dominion of God in the souls of men.” – Cotton Mather Last week on The Pulpit we explored how preaching and listening to the Word preached is an essential means of Grace for the believer. After explaining…

  • Preaching and Listening to the Word: A Means of Grace

    Preaching and Listening to the Word: A Means of Grace

    The means of grace are God’s appointed instruments by which the Holy Spirit enables believers to receive Christ and the benefits of redemption. God in His sovereignty could have as well chosen to immediately reveal Christ to His people but instead, He has put in place certain instruments by which to enable people to come…